Frequently Asked Questions

What is PPS’s refund policy?

PPS will offer no refunds on any product or service sold by the society except in cases of the society being at fault. Any member or non-member who has purchased a product or service from the society is free to sell on the product or service when appropriate. 

In instances where the society is at fault, full reimbursement shall be given and if necessary, action shall be taken against the committee member at fault.

A refund may only be provided in an unavoidable, unpredictable, and unprecedented case that causes the cancellation of an entire event. This may only occur if agreed at a unanimous vote made by the committee. 

What are my obligations as a member?

Any person that has paid the membership fee to PPS is expected to abide by all the regulations stipulated in the PPS Constitution.

Above all else, PPS members are expected to:

1. Behave lawfully at PPS events and abide by the rules of any third party venue or company that may be involved in a PPS event.

2. Adhere to any conditions that the PPS committee have deemed necessary for the environment of the activity, unless these conditions violate the above.

Any violation of these rules means a person will immediately be required to leave an event without any warning or refund. This decision is at the discretion of the highest ranked PPS committee member present at an event. PPS is not responsible or liable for any person, member or otherwise, that does not abide by these rules.

PPS will always act in the best interests of the safety of members and attendees of events. However, PPS can accept no responsibility for accidents which occur due to an individual’s irresponsibility on an event, and PPS members attend events at their own risk. Event attendees also have a responsibility on drinking events to control their own drinking.

What are my obligations in a PPS Sports Team?

It is required that a person who plays for a PPS sports team must be a PPS member. The fee for a student to play for a PPS sports team must be decided every year in conjunction with committee, and all membership fees must be paid directly and immediately to the PPS fund.

All PPS sport kits and equipment must also be returned to the committee if requested to do so by the committee at any point in the year and returned to the committee at the end of the Spring Semester, so that they can be cleaned before the new academic year.

It is the responsibility of the Sport’s Rep to ensure that all persons who play for a PPS sports team adhere to these stipulations and conduct themselves in a way that the PPS committee approve of.

What if I’m not a member?

Any person can attend a PPS event but this may require a higher admission fee, if any, than a PPS member has been charged. Any attendee of a PPS event is expected to adhere to the same obligations that are required of members, whether the attendee is a member of PPS or not.

Any non-member that is discovered to have lied to PPS concerning their membership status may be banned from future PPS activities.

Can I get expelled from PPS?

PPS membership of a current member is only void if a unanimous vote of the PPS committee is passed, thus automatically banning the member from all future PPS activities, and nullifying their membership immediately.

A PPS member subject to an expulsion will receive no refund or compensation for any expenses or previous membership payments made.

Reasons for expulsion include, but are not limited to, any action that violates the member obligations stipulated in section 3.2. If any legal action is necessary against any PPS member, then the PPS committee is obligated to remain impartial in terms of member dismissal until this is completed.

How can I appeal an expulsion?

Any current or ex-member of PPS can request an appeal of a PPS member expulsion via any current committee member. The committee is then obligated to hold a vote on the appeal, which must be at least seven days after the original vote. The appeal must be given an impartial hearing, which may require the committee to liaise with the ESO . However, the outcome of an appeal concerning a membership expulsion is final and cannot be overruled.

If any legal action is necessary against any PPS member, then the PPS committee is obligated to remain impartial in terms of member appeals until this is completed.